Is your child starting school in September 2025? We’d love to show you around our fantastic school! Please contact us to arrange a tour and discover what makes our school a great place to learn and grow.
Is your child starting school in September 2025? We’d love to show you around our fantastic school! Please contact us to arrange a tour and discover what makes our school a great place to learn and grow.
E-ACT The Grange School

Equality Objectives

The academy aims to ensure that all policies and practices conform with the principle of equal opportunities and comply with the public sector equality duty set out in Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010.


The Academy recognises the benefits of having a diverse Academy Community, with individuals who value one another, and the different contributions everyone can make. Pupils will be taught to value and respect others. The Academy is committed to being an equal opportunities education provider and is committed to equality of opportunity for all members of the Academy Community. In the provision of equal opportunities, the Academy recognises and accepts its responsibilities under the law and opposes discrimination on the basis of:

  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief (including lack of religion or belief)
  • gender
  • sexual orientation and (in the case of adult members of the Academy Community)
  • marital or civil partnership status; and
  • age

These can be called the Protected Characteristics. The Academy also opposes all bullying and unlawful discrimination on the basis that a person has a special educational need or learning difficulty, or because English is an additional language.


The Academy is committed to promoting equality and has produced policies to assist promotion of the following aims:

  • to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
  • advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those without
  • foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.


The Academy accepts applications from, and admits pupils irrespective of their Protected Characteristics and will not discriminate on these grounds in the terms on which a place is offered. The Academy will treat every application in a fair, open-minded way.


The Academy’s admissions policy reflects the Academy’s approach towards equal opportunities and is consistent with this policy.


To ensure that this policy is operating effectively with respect to admissions, and to identify those sections of the local community which may be under represented in the Academy, the Academy monitors applicants’ gender, race, disability and religion or belief as part of the Admissions procedure. We also maintain records of this data in an anonymised format solely for the purposes stated in this policy.


The Headteacher is responsible for the ongoing monitoring and regular analysis of the data monitored and will arrange for the taking of appropriate positive steps to eliminate unlawful direct and indirect discrimination where necessary. The Headteacher is also responsible for reviewing whether the aims of this policy are carried out throughout all areas of the Academy and taking appropriate action where necessary.